10 steps to build your backpack Trekking , Prepare your backpack for camping or trekking seems an easy task, but there are a few tips you should follow to make the trek more enjoyable.
The trekking backpacks are classified in different sizes and capacities depending on the type of activity and duration of our departure. You can visit "that backpack buy" according to your needs for more information.
1) Prepare a list of items to bring to go camping calling them as you go and keeping in your backpack so you do not forget any.
If you know that you must take camping items be sure to visit "that carry camping items.
2) Your backpack should be as light as possible. A heavy backpack will feel tired too soon to start our trekking. Estimated our loaded backpack should weigh no more than 20% of our body weight. Example: if you weigh 70 kg., The backpack should not weigh more than 14 kg. For this reason it is essential to make an "item list trekking or camping" and bring the indispensable minimum.
3) Classify what you will bring into categories, such as tent, sleeping bag, stove, food, warm clothes, everyday clothes, cleaning and perfumery, several (digital cameras, batteries, charger, maps, etc.. ). Once the necessary classified placed inside plastic bags (ideally transparent, to see what each contains a).
4) How to distribute the load in the backpack:
a) placed in the bottom of the backpack and sleeping bag of clothing (light elements). Many backpacks, bring a magazine for that purpose "little oven or stove."
b) Then c erca back heavy elements. Normally it is usually heavier food and kitchen (kettle, heater). Then we put the tent or tent part of our part take (I'm not very keen to take the tent out of the bag, I prefer if possible carry inside the backpack).
c) Finally we completed the assembly with the rest of the clothes. Leaving at hand clothing that possibly going to use soon.
5) It remains to place elements fragile, delicate and small, camera, cell, altimeter, sunglasses, knife, etc.. These should be in the top pocket or side pockets, trying to cover them with something (towel, clothes, cloth) to cushion any blow. Do not forget to bring your first aid kit and keep it handy.
6) Do not forget all the referred to documentation (identity card, passport, driving license) and maps, road maps, useful addresses and telephone numbers, tickets, reservations, etc.. The best practice is to store it in Ziploc bags to give them greater protection.
7) Once we finished assembling the backpack, put it and we try as we feel the weight, we feel comfortable and that allows us to walk easily, if too heavy, do not hesitate to start removing things!, As if in home the heavy feel, walking the'll feel 10 times heavier!.
8) Keep in mind not to leave things hanging off the backpack. If your house with things hanging salts because you come into your backpack when you're traveling to see what you'll have much more outside than inside the backpack.
9) confirmed that we are comfortable with the weight of our backpack trail, adjust the straps and back height to our comfort.
10) Try to always leave some room in your backpack, to save what you're wearing and keep souvenirs or gifts you can buy for your camping trip. Furthermore as the days go camping, your backpack starts disordered and things begin to get less.
If you follow these simple steps will achieve a backpack certainly more orderly, and leaving more comfortable and enjoyable camping.
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